Odoo Inventory

How to Add Serial Number and Lots in Odoo

October 18, 2019 · 2 minutes read

In general, we can say that both lots and serial numbers are used to track products and goods throughout from manufacturing to the sales process. Many organizations assign product numbers during the production process and in some cases, they will be added while boxing the product. However, both the lots and serial numbers are used for identifying the goods easily and for tracking the products. 

But there is a difference among the lots and serial numbers. Where lots are a set of numbers or codes given to a group of products which are having a common property, the serial numbers are the unique numbers assigned to a single product.

Let’s check how numbering and product batching are done in odoo using the lots and serial numbers. 

As mentioned earlier both these numbers are used for identifying and tracking the products easily. In Odoo,  lot numbers are mainly used by larger industries and those who make large quantities of products using the same properties or raw materials.


This can be done only with the inventory apps in your database.
For that go to Inventory Apps → Configuration → Settings → Traceability and select Lots and Serial Number. Select save to mark the changes.


Once the lots and serial numbers are saved,  go to Muti-warehouse locations under “warehouse”. Check the column and click the save button.


Once the Multi-warehouse option is selected, you can now configure the Inventory operation types.
For that go to Inventory Apps → Configuration → Warehouse Management → Operation Types and select the save button.


Go to the Sales/Purchase and select the product section. If you need to apply “By Lots” of the product chair

Go to Inventory Apps of the product -> Traceability and select the > By Lots to handle the individual lots of the product.


Now it is possible to create the Purchase Order of the product Chair to view the variation.

You can check the previous blogs to know more about inventory management in odoo and it will definitely help you gain more knowledge about odoo inventory module.


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