
Lead Management in Odoo

March 20, 2018 · 3 minutes read

Lead Management in Odoo

Odoo sales module has an excellent lead management system, which can create the leads and convert to opportunity when it is ready.  You can convert a successful lead to an opportunity and track it from the pipeline.

  • You have to enable the leads option from the settings for using the Leads feature in Odoo.

Sales -> Configuration -> Settings


  • When you enable this option a new menu ‘Leads’ will appear under sales. You can create and manage Leads from this menu. To create a new lead

Sales -> Leads -> Create

In the lead creation form, you can select a customer and link that customer to this lead. It is also possible to create a customer profile dynamically if there is no customer record exists in your system. There are some optional fields such as email, contact name, job position, mobile, phone, fax, etc. are available. The corresponding salesperson’s details who creates this lead will be automatically filled and his sales team will also be selected automatically.

You can also generate Leads from Incoming Mails.

There are several ways for your company to generate leads with Odoo CRM. One of them is using your company’s generic email address as a trigger to create a new lead in the system. In Odoo, each one of your sales teams is linked to its own email address. You can configure this E-mail to generate Leads automatically. For this, first, we need to configure the Incoming & Outgoing mail servers from settings.


Opportunities and Sales Pipeline

You can convert a lead to opportunity and track it more effective from the pipeline. To convert a created lead to opportunity go to Sales -> Leads and select the lead and click convert to opportunity.


If we select the conversion action ‘Convert to opportunity’, then a new opportunity will be created. If ‘Merge with existing opportunities’ is selected, then a new option will appear which will allow us to select the opportunities.

We can assign this opportunity to a salesperson and his team. While creating the opportunities, it is optional for us to link it with a customer. If we select the option ‘Do not link with a customer’, then no customer will be linked with. There are other options available to link with an existing customer or to create a new customer and link with him.

Instead of converting a lead to an opportunity you can also create an opportunity directly from Sales -> My Pipeline -> Create.


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