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Odoo Healthcare Management System

April 21, 2018 · 4 minutes read

“Health is wealth” is a famous quote that we encountered many times in our day to day living. It is believed that being healthy is the utmost goal to achieve. And this was uphold by the older generation by having sufficient food at the right time. But today, in the fast-paced world nobody has time to probably even to think what should be made for the family or what should be consumed. Timely food habits, Right intake of food items remain unfolding tales today. We don’t have time to cook or have food on time here. No doubt that it brought a sporadic increase in the number of patients in our society. Each family constitutes two or three people prone to life style diseases, an onset of lifestyle changes we habituated.

This gave a platform for the health care industries to mushroom spreading their wings in hospitality management. It is clearly evident that there is a change in the health care management sector comparing to the past. With tons of patients in hand, each hospital tries to do their best in serving their clients. The emerging situations provoked the healthcare industry to incorporate the best IT solutions to in order to easily cope up with the demands through various automated processes.

You might be wondering how the onset of diseases and number of patients demands a technological advancement in the healthcare management system. Yes! There is a huge role played and this article gives you an idea why a good technical support is needed for better management and improved customer services. Previously, the hospital management processes were painstakingly slow as there were not much supported with efficient software. This often resulted in the problems like errors in the hospital receipts, hospital billing.

But now, as healthcare industry is using different information technology solutions to get their works done faster and easier. Different types of healthcare management software are being used by the medical institutions according to their necessities and meets. Softwares differs in their performances and features in accordance with their implementation field. For eg: The software used by a clinic will be different from a software used by a big super specialty hospital. In both cases, an efficient, smooth running ERP is crucial to get the work done.

Today there is a number of open source healthcare solutions available that reduce the ratio of manual tasks thereby improving the efficiency of the healthcare business by getting the job done faster and easier.

Odoo Healthcare Management System

The Odoo Healthcare Management System is one of the smart innovation from the side of Odoo. It is a customized healthcare application that is designed to meet the complex business needs of the hospital. Odoo healthcare management system is designed in a such a way that it caters to all needs of a hospital right from keeping track of inpatients, outpatients, managing of doctor appointments, billings including all the aspects of hospital operation. Additionally, it supports with tracking each and every medical activity that comprises of- registration, patient activity, staff management, scheduling, pharmacy management, laboratory & inventory management, billing/accounting, documentation, analysis and much more

In addition, the centralized and integrated healthcare module allows you to work faster by enabling access to the patient records, thereby helping doctors to move in quickly in case of emergency situation. The automated systems also help the hospital/ clinic to be more productive at lower costs.

For a quick glance, here are the features of Odoo health care services.


  • Creating Appointments for the patients
  • Maintaining the status of the Appointments whether the appointment was done or not
  • Adding Medicines provided to the patient
  • Adding Nursing Plan and Discharge Plan

Inpatient Registration:

  • Creating records for Patients Admitted to the hospital
  • Adding details related to Therapeutic Diets Beliefs etc
  • Adding Medicines provided to the patient
  • Adding Nursing Plan and Discharge Plan

Intensive Care

  • Adding patient ICU information like Mechanical ventilation History, Admission Date etc.
  • Calculating Glasgow Coma Scale ( GCS )
  • Calculating Electrocardiography ( ECG )
  • Calculating Acute Physiology and Chronic Health evaluation 2 ( APACHE 2 ) score


  • Creating Patient Records with Patient details like Name, Address, Gender, Birthday etc
    Adding other information like Diseases History, Patient PSC Total, Medication given so far, Appointment History of patients, Patient Diet and Exercise details, Patient addiction Details, Patient lab Tests, Patient Genetic Risks Details, Patient Gyneco details, Patient PAP Smear details, Patient Colposcopy Details, Patient Obstetrics Details, Patient Surgery details, Patient Socioeconomic Details etc.


  • Create Lab test Requests
  • Create Draft Lab test results in the lab test templates provided
  • Enter the Lab test results in the lab test templates


  • Creating Invoices for Lab test, Appointments, Prescriptions
  • Automatic Entries in the Balance sheet


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