Odoo General

Touchscreen Point Of Sale In Odoo 6

May 2, 2018 · 3 minutes read

With the onset of brand new touchscreen point of sale available with 6.1, managing your shops is no more tedious. It allows you to manage your shop and respective sales without much chaos and confusions. The new touchscreen platform is fully web-based leaving you with no worries in regard to any kind of software installations or deployments. It initiates and facilitates, consolidating of all sales shops without much trouble and time-consuming. The interesting fact with regard to brand new open ERP touch screen is that it initiates working in both connected and disconnected modes. It enables you to sell the products even in offline mode.

Here’s a summary of its main features and benefits:

100% WEB based

  • Available for any touchscreen device (iPod, iPad, any tablet)
  • Mobile (with portable devices)
  • No installation required

Packed as a standard Open ERP module

  • no installation, easy deployment
  • allows customization & adapts to different needs

Integrated with Open ERP

  • no synchronization needed, completely integrated
  • all Open ERP available, use Open ERP for backend
  • consolidate shops almost in real time

Work offline, with no server connection

  • continue working even when your connection is down
  • if you close your browser, data won’t be lost

Sexy & easy to use

  • fully web-based with a clean interface
  • smart interface

One will be amused at its feature of working in offline mode. Here we go with the explanation, how touchscreen POS remain fully web-based and still continue to work without a web connection?

Single JavaScript Page:

  • Load data from Open ERP at the first connection
  • Synchronize when the connection is available
  • Save this data with HTML5’s local storage.
  • You only need a connection to web/open ERP server at the first
  • the time you run the POS + when you want to sync orders
  • How to interface with payment terminal & cashier if we are in javascript?
    – Barcode scanners: simulate keyboards → no problems
    – Payment Terminal, Cashier, etc:
  • Use an “HTTP ↔ Serial port” Proxy

Detailed Features

1. Adding products:

  • Barcode scanner (supermarket)
  • Search on product name (small shops)
  • Browse hierarchical categories (restaurants)

2. Strong Usability:

  • Clean CSS design
  • Touchscreen or Laptop mode: keyboard shortcuts, touch slider

3. Extra Features:

  • Several tickets in parallel
  • Table management & group management
  • Multiple payments split of tickets, etc.

4. Smart:

  •  Auto-Sync based on connection availability

And here is the new Open ERP POS:

Touchscreen Point Of Sale In Odoo 6 (1)

You are embedded with different options to select your products. You can initiate actions through barcode reader, just browse through the categories you have put in place (ie. drinks, snacks, meals, etc.) or text search in case neither of the other options works for you.

If you need to use the POS for your restaurant, for example, your employees can record at the same time multiple tickets without having to wait to do one transaction at a time. Along, to facilitate payment, the application allows multiple payment methods.

The POS application is so simple and accessible to use that your shop or restaurant will never need any other tool to manage orders. Due to its smart and user-friendly interface, you don’t need any training to learn how to use it. Think of it as an out-of-the-box solution to boost your business’ productivity.


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