
Purchase Tender, Purchase approval and Backorder in Odoo

March 20, 2018 · 2 minutes read


When received products are fewer than ordered quantity or we just need fewer products than ordered, then we can create a backorder. In order to create a backorder, first, we have to sign in as an inventory user. Go to Purchase -> Purchase order and select the purchase order from list, Click <Shipment> button and Click <Edit>

In the ‘Done’ column, we can enter the number of products we received/ the number of products which we need to receive this time. If you enter less number of products than in the form then a wizard will appear asking you to confirm creating the backorder.

You can now create the back order for this purchase.

Purchase Tenders

The purchase tender or call for bids facility can be used in situations where we have a list of products to buy and multiple suppliers for that products. By using purchase tenders, we can get the best offer for the products. We will send the purchase tender to multiple suppliers and they will compete with each other and best offer will win. We will get the best offer. For enabling purchase tenders, go to

  • Purchase -> Settings

  • Select the call for tender’s

After this option is enabled, two new menu items will appear in Odoo purchase, ‘Purchase Agreement Types’ and ‘Purchase Agreements’. The purchase agreement type menu can be used to create the agreement types.

  1. Create Purchase Tender
  • Purchase -> Purchase Agreements -> Create

  • In the Responsible field, specify the person who is responsible for this
  • The Agreement Deadline field, select the date by which the bids will be closed.
  • Add the products and the quantity

Some new options will appear in the form, new quotation, validate and RFQ/Orders.



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